On Sat, 11 Jun 2011, Robert Simmons wrote:

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Daniel Feenberg <feenb...@nber.org> wrote:

I have tried many of the ftp sites enumerated in sysinstall, with both
7.4-RELEASE and 8.2-RELEASE, and in all cases the installation proceeds
for a few seconds and then hangs, with the last message on the console
always being:

 DEBUG: Generating /etc/fstab file.


Is there something off about the sysinstall ftp dialog? I don't see a way to
monitor what is happening.

Your firewall may be interfering with the connection.  You may want to
read the handbook section on FTP installs (the grey box at the bottom
of the page):

Well, our router has never interfered with ftp transfers done from the command line, but switching to the firewall-friendly mode in sysinstall
does fix the problem.

Thank you
Daniel Feenberg
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