On 12 Jun 2011 at 4:32, Bill Tillman wrote:

> ________________________________
> From: Daniel Feenberg <feenb...@nber.org>
> Subject: Re: ftp installation
> On Sat, 11 Jun 2011, Robert Simmons wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Daniel Feenberg <feenb...@nber.org>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> I have tried many of the ftp sites enumerated in sysinstall, with
> >> both 7.4-RELEASE and 8.2-RELEASE, and in all cases the installation
> >> proceeds for a few seconds and then hangs, with the last message on
> >> the console always being:
> >>
> >>  DEBUG: Generating /etc/fstab file.
> >>
> ...
> >>
> >> Is there something off about the sysinstall ftp dialog? I don't see
> >> a way to monitor what is happening.
> >
> > Your firewall may be interfering with the connection.  You may want
> > to read the handbook section on FTP installs (the grey box at the
> > bottom of the page):
> > http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install-me
> > dia.html
> >
> Well, our router has never interfered with ftp transfers done from the
> command line, but switching to the firewall-friendly mode in
> sysinstall does fix the problem.
> Thank you
> Daniel Feenberg
> If I recall correctly I had to open up my firewall completely to get
> the ftp installations to work. I use a FreeBSD diskless router running
> IPFW+NATD and the log files are set to max out at 5 so I can't see
> which port is trying to be used which gets blocked. So just for the 10
> minutes or so to do an FTP install I just open the firewall wide and
> allow any to any. Once the install is complete I close the firewall
> again.

That's why "Passive" (or PASV) mode is included in FTP.  It only ever
makes outgoing connections from a client.  99.9% of all routers/firewalls
will honour that mode with no probems, unless it's been specifically
blocked by an admin type somewhere.

In the F'BSD install/update settings/dialogs etc, always select the
option to use FTP from behind a firewall or router, or "Firewall
Friendly" mode.  That will invoke Passive mode transfers.

It's the one thing I can do reliably with FreeBSD, no need to mess with
router/firewall permissions etc.   That only needs doing if you want to
run a server that is reachable from outside your LAN.  That in turn,
opens a whole oil drum load (i.e. a big can of worms!) of potential
security issues....

Take care.


PS:  Worth looking at, for a good, if lenghty explanation.

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