2011-06-17 18:28, Chad Perrin skrev:
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 07:22:31AM +0200, Bernt Hansson wrote:
2011-06-17 06:53, Adam Vande More skrev:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Bernt Hansson wrote:

Copyright you get without registration and without payment, and one
can't give it up.

Again, registration is pretty important if you want to an expanded
ability to legally enforce it.

Where i live no need to register, you get copyright if the stuff
fulfills certain criteria, originality is one.

Registration aids enforcement.

Perhaps. But where i live (sweden) you can't register copyright.
It is granted you if certain criteria is fulfilled.

And you can assign your copyright away.

Only the monetary. The creator can sell the right to make copys of the
work but the creator still retains the copyright.

That depends on jurisdiction.  In the US, you can negate copyright
entirely by assigning something you have created to the public domain.

In Sweden you can not. On the other hand you can choose not to sue.

The fact this is not applicable everywhere is the reason for things like
the CC0 waiver, however.

What is CC0?

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