so so thx :)

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Matthew Seaman <> wrote:

> On 04/07/2011 13:28, tethys ocean wrote:
> > is FreeBSD can boot and run all service while one of slice is not mount
> for
> > example /usr slice..
> You can't run a program unless the partition containing it is mounted.
> Neither can you run a program if any command interpreter (eg. perl, php,
> bash) it uses, or any shared library is similarly not on a mounted
> partition.
> In order to facilitate working in single user mode, where just about
> every partition except the root is usually unmounted, there is a
> selection of useful applications in /rescue -- these are statically
> linked so no problems with unavailable shlibs.
> > and second question is my mysql is in /var slice if /var is not mout can
> I
> > access mysql being root and chek all databases also can read log file on
> > /var
> MySQL's default data directory location is /var/db/mysql on FreeBSD.
> No, you need to mount /var to verify the information you require.
> > third question is can I mount any unmount slice by using just fsck  :)
> If a partition was not unmounted cleanly (eg. the machine crashed, or
> the power was cut off suddenly) then fsck(8) should be used to check and
> fix any problems on the filesystem.  If you've booted into single-user
> mode, then definitely fsck any partitions before trying to mount them.

*I guess If I can do fsck without unmount partition I can lost all my data
isn't it?*

> However, any fsck'ing that the system requires should happen
> automatically if you just let the system reboot itself.  It's only
> occasionally when there are certain problems that fsck needs human input
> to resolve that you will be instructed to get onto the console and run
> fsck by hand[*].
> Generally you'ld then use mount(8) to mount any partitions.
>        Cheers,
>        Matthew
> [*] This is dependent on what sort of filesystems you are using.  For
> instance, ZFS never needs to stop and fsck in this way.  UFS+Journal
> won't need it either[+].
> [+] Sysinstall doesn't support installing a system using these
> filesystem technologies: it can be done manually, but that isn't for the
> faint of heart.
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
>                                                  Flat 3
> PGP:     Ramsgate
> JID:               Kent, CT11 9PW

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