On 04/07/2011 15:50, tethys ocean wrote:
>> * Also keep the correct terminology: FreeBSD mounts UFS partitions,
>> > not slices. A slice contains a partition carrying a file system,
>> > usually UFS.*
> *Means that /usr is not slice ?? or /var is not slice?   are all these are
> UFS ?*

It's just nomenclature.  To look like a cool and savvy FreeBSD user,
talk about /partitions/ rather than /slices/.

UFS is the 'Unix File System' -- it describes the way the data are
formatted and managed on the disk.  As opposed to, eg. ext3 (Linux)
or NTFS (Windows).



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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