I moved from Linux (Debian GNU/Linux) to (Free|Open)BSD a few weeks ago and I 
am really impressed by the *BSDs. They are working very well (the "Just works" 
feeling I missed a long time), the port and package-system is very nice and 
handy, it's stable and you have a really powerful (superior) community 
(mailinglists, forums, ...)

Linux orientates more on Windows and Mac rather than POSIX, Unix and BSDs. 
Unity and Gnome3 do the same way: They want to be better than Apple/Windows and 
gain market share - the "Linux as desktop"-rubbish. But this is not the way I 
want to work and I really **hate** this movement. I don't need eye candy - I 
need something to get my work done!

So - for people who want to work (and not to play) with an operating system - 
the BSDs are a good place to start. 

And as server operating system, BSDs will never die because they are stable, 
secure and functional!

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:10:59AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> While I usually consider Slashdot nothing more than a bunch of
> juveniles ranting against Microsoft; however, I did find this rather
> interesting post this morning.
> "Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn't Relevant Anymore"
> <http://bsd.slashdot.org/story/11/07/16/0020243/Lennart-Poettering-BSD-Isnt-Relevant-Anymore>
> Interestingly enough, a great deal of it is true. It might be
> interesting to know how others feel about it. Obviously, asking that
> question on this forum is like playing against a stacked deck; however,
> it still might prove interesting.
> -- 
> Jerry ✌
> jerry+f...@seibercom.net
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