On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Gerard Samuel wrote:

> I had to reinstall FreeBSD earlier (due to some carelessness on my
> part), and Im trying to
> install applications that I was using before.
> The box is running FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE, and using XFree 4.3.0, KDE 3.1
> along with mozilla 1.2 (from ports),
> mozilla displays incorrectly (mainly colors), and KDE's taskbar is
> unreadable (only when mozilla is not minimised).
> mozilla displays form buttons in pink, and overall things are just ugly.
> I ran into this problem before, but I cannot find the post in the
> archive at the moment.
> It was a setting for X that cleared it up.
> So if Im making sense to someone, could you point me in the right
> direction to fix this.
> If not, I can try to provide screen shots.

Your X server seems to run with 8 bpp color depth causing your X clients
to use private color maps.

> (...)
> Section "Screen"
>         Identifier "Screen0"
>         Device     "Card0"
>         Monitor    "Monitor0"

Try to insert
          DefaultDepth 16
          DefaultDepth 24

>         SubSection "Display"
>                 Depth     1
>         EndSubSection
> (...)

Best regards

Konrad Heuer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  ____            ___  _______
GWDG                           / __/______ ___ / _ )/ __/ _ \
Am Fassberg                   / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
37077 Goettingen             /_/ /_/  \__/\__/____/___/____/

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