On 8/5/2011 3:12 PM, Christian Barthel wrote:
> Hello, 
> I read on slashdot that Linus Torvalds moved from Gnome 2.3x to Xfce. It
> seems that he isn't thrilled by xfce, but it's far better than Gnome3. 
> As a Gnome 2.3x user too, I am also a bit nervouse. Gnome 3 is a big
> mistake. And there are also rumors that Gnome will be Linux only. Maybe,
> we will never see Gnome3 under FreeBSD, but this is not a tragedy :)
> I am not very interested in eyecandy: I want a stable and fast wm (less
> memory and cpu, quick access to important places), different workspaces,
> and it should be configurable with ordinary files. Of course, It must
> run under FreeBSD. 
> I sniffed into AfterStep, fvwm2 and fluxbox (I don't want to use KDE). I
> think, fluxbox is a nice wm and for my future, it will be the default wm
> for me. It's also very fast and easy to configure. 
> Are there any other window manager worth looking? 
> What is your window manager? 

I'm usually a fluxbox fanatic, but lately, I've been messing with other
WM's just for the hell of it. Never was a fan of Gnome, 1.x or 2.x and
KDE was just fugly as all getout. But that's just my opinion :D. XFCE4
was always my second choice for a WM, slightly more feature rich but not
bloated like Gnome/KDE. If you want to wrastle (yes wrastle!) with
gnome-lite[3], that could be a possibility for you as well (it's lite
because it doesn't pull in *all* of the deps of a full gnome2 install
but you can accidentily pull them in by installing something else)

I'm a minimalist at heart, even when I have to use Windows, I prefer
EmergeDesktop[1] over the default windows shell. So that said, Fluxbox
has always fit the bill as to being as minimalistic yet extensible as I
needed it to be when I needed it to be. If your *seriously* hardcore,
you can check out ratpoison[2] (good luck on that <evilgrin>)

To be perfectly square about it, I honestly went and installed all kinds
of Window Managers, Gnome, KDE (yes I still do occasionally try new
releases), KFCE, fluxbox/openbox/blackbox as well as a few more obscure
and less/non-maintained WM's such as e17 and the ever fabled e18/e19
beta builds and yes, I even tried ratpoison (just keep in mind that the
last news even for it was Dec. of '09.

Good lucj on your quest for a WM and maybe ... document it for us,
others might learn something from your trials and tribulations.

[1] http://www.emergedesktop.org
[2] http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/
[3] x11/gnome2-lite
> Chris Brennan
> --
> A: Yes.
> >Q: Are you sure?
> >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> http://xkcd.com/84/ | http://xkcd.com/149/ | http://xkcd.com/549/
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