On Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:18:28 +0200
Andrea Venturoli <m...@netfence.it> mentioned:

> On 08/21/11 08:26, n dhert wrote:
> > I did a portupgrade on a freebsd 8.2-RELEASE
> > of the portupgrade program itself
> > portupgrade-2.4.8_1,2<    needs updating (index has 2.4.9,2)
> > (that upgraded also ruby to 1.9:
> I did the same on some boxes and I'm having a lot of troubles too...
> # pkgdb -L
> Look for lost dependencies:
> undefined method `map' for #<String:0x00000801e60218>


Can you, please, try the portupgrade version from the ports?
It should fix those issues.

Sorry for the inconvinences!

Stanislav Sedov

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