On 22/10/2011 17:24, John Levine wrote:
> For at least several weeks, attempts to rebuild emacs from ports fails
> with an odd linker error saying it can't find symbols in the termcap
> library.  I poked around a little, the makefile does include the
> appropriate library and adding it again at the end of the line in
> the makefile didn't help.
> This is on 8.2, building it with no nonstandard options I'm aware of.

No errors are on record for building editors/emacs according to


Therefore I diagnose something specific to your system is broken.
Unfortunately your report is too lacking in detail to be able to say
anything useful that might help you to fix the problem.  We'd need to see

   * Your choice of options for the port (ie. 'make showconfig' output)

   * A complete build log showing the problem occurring. (ie  'make
     clean build' output)

   * The config.log from $WRKSRC showing what autoconf did.

That should give a fighting chance of being able to work out what's wrong.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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