On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 21:12:54 +0200
Polytropon articulated:

> So let me make this more clear: IF the hardware manufacturer
> wants to allow developers to write drivers for their hardware
> for free, THEN everything they'd have to do is to publish the
> control codes for the sheet feeder and the ink pee motors.
> Conclusion: If they don't do it, they don't want developers
> to do so. It is their RIGHT, because they own the product,
> and they may sell it under any circumstances they think will
> lead to profit. Market rules again.

I am just going to reply to this one point because it is where you
entire argument breaks down.

Assume Big Corporation creates a new printer known as "Printer-101" and
releases its code for any moron, sorry I meant expert to use to write
OS specific drivers for.

Now lets assume a user/developer/hobbyist (pick one, any one) decides
to write a driver for said "Printer-101" and it is adapted by some
unnamed OS. Lets name the driver writer "Poly". Now users buy this
printer for this specific OS because they were told that a suitable
driver existed for it on said platform. So far so good. Now comes the
fun part.

The printers output sucks. There are numerous system lockups and other
really bad things happening. The manufacturer, Big Corporation finds
its sales of "Printer-101" sinking faster than the Titanic. After a
lengthy investigation it is found that the printer is sound and the
codes supplied were correct. The problem is with the horrific "driver"
written by Poly.

Now tell me, should Poly be held financially responsible for this
abomination? The odds are that Poly will be hiding off in a basement
somewhere unreachable.

We haven't even touched on what happens if Big Corporation finds a
glitch with the printer and needs a modification in its firmware and
modifications to Poly's driver script. Who supplies them and what
happens when Poly disappears?

Check out "MOVED" in the ports. There are numerous applications that
are just abandoned or discontinued. If something breaks I want someone
to contact. I realize that is not the Open Source way however. The
thought of someone actually being responsible is rare indeed.

I buy my cars from known corporations and not the local chop-shop. My
drugs come form known pharmaceutical corporations and not the local
pusher. I like my device specific codes to come from those best able to
supply them, the OEM.

As stated in another post, if a suitable platform were created for
manufacturers to distribute their drivers, whether it be printers,
modems, wireless devices, etcetera, the problem would be solved. Of
course it is easier for all the non-windows based OSs to have a pissing
contest rather than create a unified front so I am confident that the
prospect of that occurring in my life time are nil.

Jerry ✌

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