On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 17:27:03 -0500 (CDT)
Robert Bonomi articulated:

> Your insistance on trying to impose -your- standards on the world, and
> denying them the 'freedom of choice' to make their own decisions on
> the matter -- e.g. "anyone offering such products should be to some
> degree held legally responsible to their worth" -- is a fascist
> mind-set. You 'know better' than anybody else, what is 'right' _for_
> them.  <snort>
> BTW, I'd _love_ to see Microsoft "held legally respnsible" for _their_
> product shortcomings.  They'd be out of business in a week at the
> outside.

Once again your argument is pathetic. Microsoft has been held legally
responsible by laws written to curtail the robber barons (railroad &
oil) of the 19 and early 20th century.) Of course the EC, or is that
the USSREC, strongly backed (pushed) by Opera, a maker of a web browser
so pathetic that in two years a new upstart, "Chrome" actually has a
larger market share, led a fight to curtail Microsoft's market share.
This is Fascism at its best. A totally free and open market is the best
way to insure the survival of the fittest. Of course socialists cannot
survive in that environment and rush off to find ways of getting
governments involved in protecting their turf.

I have absolutely no problem with holding Microsoft legally responsible
when they release a product with a bug or security flaw. However, this
must be enforced across the board and against every entity that
releases software irregardless of its price. It should probably even
include "port maintainers" who release defective ports. Lets be honest,
if that is even possible for a socialist like yourself, that if you
want to go down that road then lets go -- all the way.

Microsoft's very existence depends on its ability to create an
operating system that allows users to fully use programming and devices
that they choose to deploy. If they cannot achieve that goal then they
die, or else have a market share equivalent to FreeBSD, virtually
undetectable. Microsoft has done a fairly good job of that. FreeBSD,
an the other non-windows operating systems, have not achieved that
goal although a few forward thinking developers like those associated
with Ubuntu have made huge strides in that direction. When it comes to
technological advances, FreeBSD is at the bottom of the list. It is
there primarily because of people who are simply willing to accept
inferiority as the norm. I know I piss people off by my style of
writing. I am just not the sort of person, a socialist primarily, who
bends over and takes it up the ass everyday rather than say "ENOUGH,
lets fix this friggin mess." You cannot even get a decent "N - protocol"
wireless device, or even a not so decent one for that matter, to work
on FreeBSD while the rest of the world has had working solutions for 5
years. What the hell are they waiting for -- the second coming of the
invisible man in the sky? Friggin PATHETIC. However, our esteemed
leadership has managed to bump the version numbers from at least 6 to
the soon to be 9 and we still have no working solution for an easy
method of securing and installing printer drivers, or any drivers for
that matter. Having to modify obscure system files and settings to get
a simple sound card to work is always a PLUS. Pathetically enough, there
are users who do actually feel that way.

Microsoft sells it products for money -- in some cases a lot of money.
FreeBSD and the open-source community as a whole (hole?) gives it away.
Yet Microsoft controls over 90% of the home market. That alone proves
my point. You cannot crate an inferior product and expect the general
population to use it simply because you give it away?

This discussion has gone on long enough and I am already bored by it.
There are some posters like Poly who, while I am aware of his deeply
rooted socialist concepts does actually raise some really useful ideas
and actually to some degree attempts to qualify them. At the very
least, he is willing to discuss them -- something extremely rare in
this arena. Then there are posters like Chad who simply spews the
company line -- Microsoft is bad, we are good, the corporations owe us,
bla bla bla. You cannot hold an intelligent conversation with them
because their mind is closed. I know that as would anyone who reads this
forum with an open mind. Then Robert, there is you. A perfect example
of a large majority of users here who would rather bend over every day
and smile as it is rammed up your ass rather than scream, ENOUGH ALL
READY -- LETS FIX THIS FRIGGIN MESS NOW!. You Robert are the reason
that FreeBSD and to a large extent other non-windows OSs are trailing
the pack. You have been brain washed to believe that inferiority is the
norm and to accept it. Like a good little socialist you have fallen in
line. The problem with that philosophy Robert is if you are not the lead
dog, the view never changes.

Jerry ✌

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