On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 13:59:58 +0100
C. P. Ghost articulated:

> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Jerry <je...@seibercom.net> wrote:
> > The biggest loser in this is FreeBSD itself. Virtually any new PC or
> > laptop, with the exception of the bargain basement brands, and even
> > some of them are exempt, now come with "N" protocol wireless
> > devices.
> Instead of devoting so much time and energy whining about the
> problem here on-list, even though you know full well that we can't
> do anything about it for known reasons... why won't you lobby the
> manufacturers of "N" devices, so that they either open their specs,
> so we can write a driver, or at least release binary blobs compatible
> with FreeBSD? Wouldn't that be more productive? You're very
> outspoken on some aspects, so put that rhetorical skill to good use
> and contact the major wireless chipset vendors; and then follow up
> with them if you don't get the reply you want, just as you do here
> on-list.

Seriously, are you so naive that you believe that his is the only
venue I use to express my feeling on these matters? I have been
pestering several corporations for over two years now. I have even
spoken to several of their representatives, including a developer from
Brother recently in regards to making drivers easily available to
operating systems other than Microsoft, and usually a few flavors of
Linux. The contact I had at Brother was actually a Linux user himself.

In all cases, no matter what the device I was inquiring about was, the
standard answer was that they -- meaning the OEM -- could not see any
upside to investing in the development and maintenance of drivers for a
community as fragmented as the non-windows frontier. A few actually
told me to use Linux instead since they did offer some support for that
architecture. One company, I believe it was Cisco, told me that FreeBSD
does not support the system calls it needs to make its devices work
correctly. I am not a system engineer and since he was talking above my
head I just let it go. However, considering that nVidia had to wait
years for FreeBSD to mature enough for it to get its drivers functional
under this environment I can easily believe that there is more than a
grain of truth to the statement.

As for releasing technical details, etcetera, I was told point blank
that such information was confidential and would not be released. Now
that I can at least agree with. Unlike many socialists, I don't believe
in working my ass off, spending X amount of dollars and then just giving
my work away freely to every dirt bag to clone.

I write several major vendors on a monthly basic. Sometimes even using
different names so they might falsely believe that there is a larger
base than actually exists to request support. Now, suppose you were to
join me. Perhaps a few thousand other users, in other words all the
FreeBSD base, and wrote on a bi-weekly schedule to a targeted vendor
base requesting support. I will be happy to supply my own personal list
and compile other pertinent vendor's names & address's as well.

The only problem I see with this approach is maintaining continued group
support. The tendency of people to just give up and quite is self
evident. Now, as you might have noticed I don't suffer from that trait.
It is the primary difference between an Alpha male and one who just
bends over and takes it.

In any event Ghost, contact me if you want to help, just don't expect to
get any followers.

Jerry ✌

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