On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 01:11 PM, Alex de Kruijff wrote:

The man page are not meant for this, there scope is limmited to the
command. Books and article are. In fact the FreeBSD handbook have a
section about this.

Yet of all the email on this topic, nobody pointed out this most excellent article.

Of the many problems with the man page system, this is one that has always been a torn in my side. I feel that man pages should have a "getting started" section, even if it only points to articles like the one you suggested.

http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network- ntp.html

P.S. Its a good article. :-)

I agree. It's a shame that the first place that people turn for help (the man pages) doesn't refer to it.


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