On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 23:05:58 +0100, David Demelier wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to create a dualboot with Windows 7, I set up partitions like that :
> ada0s1 -> NTFS (windows recovery)
> ada0s2 -> NTFS (windows main partition)
> ada0s3 -> BSD
>       ada0s3a -> freebsd-swap (3G)
>       ada0s3b -> freebsd-ufs / (remaining space from drive)

Erm... according to traditional partitioning, isn't
the 'a' partition reserved for booting, 'b' for swap?
I see you have installed everything into one / partition
which technically is no problem and should work, but
it's not on the boot partition.

> And then I let the installer complete the step, because FreeBSD didn't 
> let you (since 9.0) choose between the boot manager nothing was 
> installed and the boot directly goes to Windows 7.

You need to install all the required stages for booting.
If I understand the process correctly, the slice 's3' needs
code to "branch" to the boot partition (which is supposed
to be the 'a' partition), and the boot selector needs to
be accessed from the "beginning of the disk" - you said
you're using EasyBCD for this which is okay.

> I installed EasyBCD to add a new entry to FreeBSD on the third 
> partition, but when I choose the FreeBSD entry nothing happens, only the 
> _ character blinking.

I assume missing boot characteristics as described above.
Please review your installation process and maybe re-do it.
In worst case, drop to command line for using the "traditional
toolset" to apply the proper slicing and partitioning.
According to "man fdisk" and "man bsdlabel", you should be
able to write the required boot characteristics to allow
the correct boot process.

> Thus I tried bsdlabel -B ada0s3 from the FreeBSD iso shell but it didn't 
> solve. What can I do to boot FreeBSD now?

As this part is done, I suppose incorrect partitioning.

2.6.5 Creating Partitions Using Disklabel

Refer to table 2-2: "Partition Layout for First Disk".

Boot manager and MBR handling are also covered in this chapter.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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