On 19 March 2012 17:46, David Demelier <demelier.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19/03/2012 17:53, Leslie Jensen wrote:
>> 2012-03-19 08:53, Da Rock skrev:
>>> On 03/19/12 17:49, Polytropon wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 08:29:22 +0100, David Demelier wrote:
>>>>> On 19/03/2012 07:28, Polytropon wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 23:05:58 +0100, David Demelier wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I try to create a dualboot with Windows 7, I set up partitions like
>>>>>>> that :
>>>>>>> ada0s1 -> NTFS (windows recovery)
>>>>>>> ada0s2 -> NTFS (windows main partition)
>>>>>>> ada0s3 -> BSD
>>>>>>> ada0s3a -> freebsd-swap (3G)
>>>>>>> ada0s3b -> freebsd-ufs / (remaining space from drive)
>>>>>> Erm... according to traditional partitioning, isn't
>>>>>> the 'a' partition reserved for booting, 'b' for swap?
>>>>>> I see you have installed everything into one / partition
>>>>>> which technically is no problem and should work, but
>>>>>> it's not on the boot partition.
>>>>> You're right, but I made a mistake while writing, my a partition is /
>>>>> and b is swap.
>>>> Okay.
>>>>>>> And then I let the installer complete the step, because FreeBSD
>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>> let you (since 9.0) choose between the boot manager nothing was
>>>>>>> installed and the boot directly goes to Windows 7.
>>>>>> You need to install all the required stages for booting.
>>>>>> If I understand the process correctly, the slice 's3' needs
>>>>>> code to "branch" to the boot partition (which is supposed
>>>>>> to be the 'a' partition), and the boot selector needs to
>>>>>> be accessed from the "beginning of the disk" - you said
>>>>>> you're using EasyBCD for this which is okay.
>>>>> I followed the part 13.3.2 from
>>>>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/boot-blocks.html
>>>>> I think this should be enough, isn't it? it says bsdlabel -B will
>>>>> replace the boot1 and boot2 stage so all of them are installed.
>>>> Looks correct.
>>>>> Now the question is how to branch the a partition as the "boot
>>>>> partition" ?
>>>> No need. As soon as the "branching" from ada0-"start" -> ada0s3
>>>> has been processed, the 'a' partition ada0s3a will be accessed
>>>> as it is the boot partition. It will then continue stage 1 and 2
>>>> and finally access the loader, which will load the kernel.
>>>> In 13.3.2 it is explained as follows:
>>>> They [Stage One, /boot/boot1, and Stage Two, /boot/boot2]
>>>> are located outside file systems, in the first track of
>>>> the boot slice, starting with the first sector. This is
>>>> where boot0, or any other boot manager, expects to find
>>>> a program to run which will continue the boot process.
>>>> The number of sectors used is easily determined from the
>>>> size of /boot/boot.
>>>> In your case, the "boot slice" (for FreeBSD) is ada0s3 where the
>>>> boot manager EasyBCD will "branch" to.
>>>> Getting just a cursor (as you described) makes it hard to
>>>> identify where the process hangs. If EasyBCD is the last
>>>> thing you see, I assume the FreeBSD boot process isn't even
>>>> initiated. Every part of it (MBR boot manager, boot0, boot1,
>>>> boot2 and loader) would issue some kind of text when accessed.
>>> I couldn't say exactly how to do this now (been a looooong time), but
>>> you should be able to boot using the Windows loader (this may have
>>> changed in recent editions. Don't think so though). This will give you a
>>> choice between Windows or FreeBSD and defaults, timers, etc during boot.
>>> Used to be able to do it under system properties I believe; run a google
>>> search should provide some examples.
>> Using EasyBCD you must ensure that your Windows partition has the boot
>> flag set.
>> /Leslie
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> I reinstalled using the auto scheme, by adding a partition now it works.
> Thanks for your answers!
> Cheers,
> --
> David Demelier
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have you tried fdisk -B ada0 to install the bsd bootloader?
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