Hi Jerry,

On Mon, 14 May 2012, Jerry McAllister wrote:


I installed AMD64 FreeBSD 8.3 on a new machine a couple of days ago.
It seems fine so far.

This afternoon I tried to install OpenAFS 1.6.0 on it from

The configure ran happily and I didn't notice any errors.
But, the make died soon after starting with the following complaints.

 make: don't know how to make ./param.amd64_fbsd_83.h. stop
 *** Error code 2

 Stop in /usr/ports/net/openafs/work/openafs-1.6.0.
 ** Error code 1

I presume that means that it does not know about FreeBSD 8.3 yet.

That's right; the OpenAFS build system has lots of history behind it, which means that it is not particularly elegant at handling this sort of thing.

I rummaged around in the README it left in the ../work directory
and saw a bunch of AMD64 versions up to 8.1 (and even 9.0) but
not 8.2 or 8.3.   I noticed in the Makefile where it says:
 IGNORE= Supports FreeBSD 8.0 and later
I am not sure how that plays in it.   I am definitely not a make hacker.

Anyway, is there a good tinker to get past this
or do I have to wait until something gets updated in the port?

Or, did I just do something stupid?

No fault on your end; I need to push in updates for 8.3 and 10.0 support but have been busy with schoolwork. For now, if you're up for a little bit of tinkering, you could go in to /usr/ports/net/openafs and 'make clean && make extract', then:
cd work/openafs-1.6.0/src/config && cp param.amd64_fbsd_82.h 
and continue with the usual make install, etc., in /usr/ports/net/openafs/. If that still does not compile/run, please send me the build log (or dmesg -a output if a runtime failure) and I will look at it.

By the way, I need just the client.   I do not intend to start
a server or a cell on this machine.  I just need to talk to the
cell at work.   Is there a way of only installing the client?
(I think the client is the biggest part, but still, do not need
the server part hanging around if it would work happily that way)

The upstream OpenAFS build system is not condusive to just building the client; I have asked about this. It is fairly easy to just build the server, but since my interest was mostly in the client I did not add an option for doing so.

Thanks for the report, and sorry to have been so slow at catching up to 8.3/10.0.

-Ben Kaduk
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