On 21 June 2012 04:24, Fred Morcos <fred.mor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     Introduction and background
> q) Is it possible to run a FreeBSD system without much building? In
> other words, can I survive by depending on packages and only resorting
> to ports when really needed?

To an extent. It is currently possible to use only packages, but they
tend to be out of date and upgrading is non-easy without a third party
tool (such as portmaster or portupgrade).
There is currently active work to fix these issues in a project called
pkgng. This will likely become the default in the next couple of

> q) Where does the FreeBSD project stand on this matter? From what I
> noticed is that the base system seems to adhere to the tranditional
> flat text files for configuration and simple tools that do a good job,
> leaving it up to the user to combine those small tools to create
> larger, more complex ones (a UNIX inheritance).

FreeBSD tends to be conservative. The project won't implement a
complex daemon without clear benefits and specific discussion on the
pros and cons.

> q) Is a FreeBSD stable base system with "current" high-level
> components possible? Will it avoid the issues I experienced on
> Linux-based systems?

Generally, yes. There will likely be some adjustment period as you
learn how FreeBSD works, but most people have few problems.

> q) I would assume UFS with J+SU is "fast enough" for a laptop?

Yes. Most people call it "SU+J" ;).
Don't use it for an SSD though

> q) Does ZFS make sense on a laptop? Any advantages of using it over
> USF with J+SU? I am not interested in any striping or mirroring on
> the laptops, but the compression features is very attractive for the
> HDDs in the first laptop.

ZFS is ram hog. How much ram does your laptop have?

> q) The second laptop has an SSD, would UFS with/without J and
> with/without SU or ZFS make more sense for it?

Make sure to enable TRIM support if your SSD supports it.

> q) Can I live with a desktop environment (Gnome or KDE) and desktop
> applications (Firefox, Libreoffice, etc) by relying only on packages?

Sort of. With pkgng this will become a lot easier.  If you are
currently willing to deal with out of date packages until pkgng
becomes default (or want to work with non-default technology now) it
will be possible.

> q) Does the NVIDIA binary driver work reliably? I would like to hear
> personal experiences with that.

Yes. This has never been the cause of any problem for me

> q) Does the bsdinstall align partitions to device blocks by default
> for optimal speed? If not, I have found that I can use gpart with -a
> and -b which will require me to calculate the start and end offsets of
> each partition manually. Is there a tool that can automatically do
> that for me?

You said you had an SSD: it doesn't matter.

> q) Adding tmpmfs="YES" to /etc/rc.conf is analogous to a tmpfs /tmp on
> Linux-based systems, correct?


> Any other directories that might make
> sense to have as an mfs (ie, in /var)?

Don't use tmpfs for anything in /var

> q) Is there a place where all sysctl variables are documented? It
> occurred to me when I was trying to find the memory usage on my system
> but `sysctl -a | grep mem' shows a whole bunch of stuff.

You can try sysctl -ad but most of the systls are either documented in
man pages or not at all. :(

> q) How can I set proxy settings system-wide? Same for PACKAGESITE (for
> the pkg_* tools), how can I set a mirror system-wide? /etc/profile?

Same as any other unix system. It depends on what shell you use.

> q) I noticed all file/data-sizes are in bytes (ls, dd, etc), is there
> a way to change that system-wide to be in human-readable format?

usually adding -h (for "human") helps. Also try setting BLOCKSIZE.
each program might have some more explanation in the man page.

>                                System
> To assess my understanding, the system is split into kernel, base,
> documentation, games, lib32 (on 64-bit systems) and ports.

This distinction is rarely used. The only place that cares for these
differences is the installer.

> There is
> another split between base and ports where base includes everything
> previously mentioned minus ports.

This is the one that matters

>Now, there are 3 "branches" of the
> base system: RELEASE, STABLE and CURRENT. RELEASE means 9.0 and stays
> that way until 10.0 is released. STABLE means 9.0, 9.1, 9.2,
> etc. CURRENT means "trunk" in SVN terms. Is all that correct?

This is incorrect.

RELEASE are all releases: There is 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, etc.
STABLE is a misnomer: it is a *development* branch but the ABI / KPI
is kept stable.
CURRENT is "HEAD" and where new commits go before being "MFCed" or
Merged From Current to -stable. Releases are branched from -STABLE.
-STABLE is branched from -HEAD.

> Also,
> when somewhere is mentioned `make world', this means to rebuild all
> installed ports which doesn't include base, I assume?

"make world" is always wrong. "make buildworld" is closer.
In source land "world" is everything but the kernel. Ports are not related.

> q) The files in /etc/rc.d are all executable, from my understanding,
> those files will get executed and it is their duty to check the
> variable `<rc-script-name>_enable' for whether they should start or
> not. Wouldn't it be more efficient to chmod -x or +x them to
> disable/enable?

For a variety of reasons, no. They do more than just check *_enable in
complex cases.

> q) Is there a tool that can test a set of mirrors for connection time
> and speed (for packages and ports)? Analogous to Archlinux's
> rankmirrors?

looks in ports-mgmt/ there is fastestmirrors or something like that. I
ran it once and forgot about it ;)

> q) Is it possible for the pkg_* tools (especially pkg_add -r) to
> display progress?


> q) I noticed in the ports collection that there were some outdated
> packages (skype-2.2, gimp-2.6), should I report that and where? (A
> PR?)

skype is out of date cause the newer ones don't work.
Generally, reporting out of date ports as PRs with patches (or to
po...@freebsd.org without patches might help) is a good thing.

Larger ports tend to be actively maintained. For gimp try asking
gn...@freebsd.org for progress.

> q) Is it possible to have the ports system compile into an mfs (to
> avoid disk access)?

Yes. Set WRKDIRPREFIX in /etc/make.conf to a mfs disk

> q) Is it possible to have the user asked to change their password the
> first time they log in (using an OTP) in a simple way? I looked at
> OPIE but it seems to be much more complex than what I need.

Look at pw -e ?

Hope I helped and didn't disappoint too much :)

Eitan Adler
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