Hi All,

I recently purchased a laptop (Intel Pentium dual core) and installed FreeBSD 8.3-i386 on it using the 'All' canned distribution. I then downloaded the latest ports tarball and started building them.

Some of the ports required a newer version of the graphics/png port, so I did a deinstall and reinstall in graphics/png. This removed the previous binary libpng.so.6 and placed version libpng15.so.15 in its stead. Things went wrong here - the GNOME desktop started crashing with the panel not working and practically all desktop icons gone. So I guessed that the canned version of GNOME in the installation DVD had a dependency on libpng.so.6.

I reinstalled FreeBSD 8.3, and copied /usr/local/lib/libpng.so.6 to /usr/lib/libpng.so.6 before building the ports a second time. This time things went a lot more smoothly. GNOME works. But Mozilla applications like Firefox and Thunderbird present a peculiar problem - the buttons on the Tool bar/Menu bar do not have any image on them. While this is not exactly a catastrophe, it is rankling to say the least. Maybe some gentleman has faced this problem and has sorted it out. If anyone can provide a hint on how to fix the problem, I would be grateful indeed.

Thank you &

Manish Jain

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