Hello Polytropon,

Thanks for replying.

> Maybe an update of FF and TB would be sufficient, so it can link
> to the present (or at least expected) libraries accordingly.

Maybe I did not make it clear enough in the original message. The only thing I installed from the installation DVD was the OS and the GNOME2 metaport. Everything else including FF and TB was installed from ports, the tarball of which I downloaded just a couple of days back. I hope you are not suggesting that I build the GNOME2 metaport too from the ports directory : with my internet connection, that really would take me into the next century.

You should not manually copy things. At some point, something will
crash, and the ports infrastructure cannot take care of it. It's
easier to use a port management tool (like portmaster) to deal
with installing and updating of ports.

For the present issue, it seems logical that I would need 2 versions of libpng : one for GNOME and one for the ports being installed. Having the two versions reside independently in /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib seems to be the only way out. I still must admit that it defeats the purpose of having port management tools.

I suspect that there might be folks at Mozilla who might see the light at the end of the tunnel (and the images on their buttons). I'll try roping them in with a separate message. If anything useful comes up, I'll post it to freebsd-questions as a message of possible interest to any other users who might be facing the same problem.


Manish Jain
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