On Fri, 26 Oct 2012, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

Regarding this:


No no NO *NO*!

I wish people would stop recommending this utter garbage.  There is
absolutely no justification behind using the highly convoluted labelling
mechanisms at multiple layers within FreeBSD.  There are 3 (possibly 4)
different "label" mechanisms which do nothing but confuse the user, or
cause other oddities/complexities.  Good grief, there is so much hard
evidence on the mailing lists over the past 5 (maybe even 7?) years
talking about the utter mess that is filesystem/device/geom/blahblah
labels that to recommend this is borderline insane.

Hmm. Six months to April 1? Seriously, labels provide a simple, relocatable identification mechanism that works across machines. If someone finds them confusing, it can be cleared up easily: use GPT labels when possible, otherwise use filesystem labels or glabel.

The proper way to solve this problem is to user /boot/loader.conf
tie-downs to assign each disk to each individual controllers' device
number (e.g. ada0 --> scbus0 --> ahcich0, or whatever you want).  Please
note I said ahcichX, not ahciX.  Different things.

Labels work on different machines or controllers without added configuration, and stay with the partition or filesystem. Your static config appears to not share those properties.
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