On 26.10.2012 18:00, Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:18:16 +0200, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
>> The Problem is that, if there is a Drive in one of the HotSwap Bays the
>> PCI-Express controller is detected as ahci0 and the onboard is detected
>> as ahci1. Therefore any drives in the HotSwap Bays become ada0-3 and the
>> drives on the mainboard controller are the upper numbers which causes
>> the boot to fail as the Root Partition isn't there where it's expected.
>> The BIOS has the PCI-Express Card as second Card only so the Kernel is
>> Booted but the RootFS is not Found.
> You can use labels (GPT or UFS labels) or UFSIDs to become
> independent of the actual device name where things are stored
> on. You could also use this to make disks easier to identify
> (e. g. "/dev/label/red1root" = the disk with a red "1" on it,
> carrying the root file system).
> I suggest those pages for more detailed information:
> http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/disksetup.html
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/geom-glabel.html
> Maybe as well (specific and general notes and inspiration):
> http://www.daemonforums.org/showthread.php?t=2666
> http://www.freebsdonline.com/content/view/731/506/
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/disks.html
> I assume that you are using UFS.
>> Is there a way to ensure that the onboard SATA Controller is always
>> probed first.
> I'm not sure if this can be done, but using labels should
> make the question go away, and the problem causing it. :-)

Labels are good for naming Drives but how does it help me if the root
filesystem changing device ids. I don't think the boot loader is able to
use the label for the root Filesystem.


Gerhard Schmidt       | E-Mail und JabberID:
TU-München            | schm...@ze.tum.de
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