I needed to expand a /var partition, 
which required saving and restoring /var and /usr

did the following:
  booted to backup disk
  dump -0aR -h 0 -f /usr/backup/dump_var_0_20121113_1920 /dev/ada0p4
  (repeat for /tmp, /usr, / partitions to be safe)
  repartitioned the main disk using gpart
  newfs the modified partitions (var, tmp, usr)
  rewrote the boot block and boot partition (#1)
  mount /dev/ada0p4 /mnt/ssd/var
  cd /mnt/ssd/var
  restore -r /usr/backup/dump_var_0_20121113_1920
  Cannot find file dump list

Any ideas why I get the "Cannot find file dump list"?
What / where is it supposed to be?

I was able to get some stuff back from one of the files,
but only by doing:

  #restore -if /usr/backup/dump_usr_0_201121113_1920
  restore > verbose
  restore > add libdata
  restore > extract
  Extract requested files
  You have not read any tapes yet
  If you are extracting just a few files, start with the last volume
  and work towards the first; restore can quickly skip tapes that
  have no further files to extract.  Otherwise, begin with volume 1.
  Specify next volume #: 1
  Mount tape volume 1
  Enter "none" if there are no more tapes
  otherwise enter tape name (default: /usr/backup/dump_usr_0_20121113_1920)
  unknown tape header type -2
  abort [yn] n
  resync restore, skipped 786 blocks
  extract file ...
  Add links
  Set directory mode, owner, and times.
  Set owner / mode for '.' [yn] y
  restore >

If I did not enter <Enter> after the "otherwise enter tape name",
but rather entered "none"
I did not get all of the desired contents.
Can anyone shed light on this problem?
I have been able to restore most everything from a cp I had done
at the same time, but I'm not very confident in the results.  
Fortunately, user data was on a different disk.

Obviously, should have done a
  restore -rN ...
before repartitioning.  Ugh.

Related question:
  I now realize I should not have answered "y" to the set owner / mode
question, as it changed the mode to the default for root instead of
doing what I thought which was restoring the owner / mode to what was
saved in the dump.  Will
  restore -x /usr/backup/dump...
correct the owner and mode? (and group and flags?)


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