El día Wednesday, November 14, 2012 a las 09:45:22AM -0700, Warren Block 

> > One of the (in my opinion) most interesting reference sources
> > for dump/restore also mentions this format:
> >
> >     # mount /dev/da0s1 /mnt
> >     # mkdir /tmp/oldvar
> >     # cd /tmp/oldvar
> >     # restore -ruf /mnt/var.dump
> Yes, -u "unlinks" an existing file before restoring that file, useful 
> for restoring dumps over an existing filesystem.  Leave out the -u when 
> restoring to a new filesystem and the restore will go faster.
> >     # umount /mnt
> And that points out a mistake: /mnt can't be unmounted while it is the 
> PWD.  Fixed.

I think PWD is /tmp/oldvar and not /mnt;

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