Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@rocketmail.com> writes:

> Installing PC-BSD 8.2 x64 did work without issues. I unchecked the
> bootloader install. Linux grub legacy until now is unable to boot BSD,
> because of "Error17: Cannot mount selected partition"
> spinymouse@q:~$ cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
> timeout   8
> default   0
> color light-blue/black light-cyan/blue
> title FreeBSD
> root   (hd0,a)
> kernel /boot/loader
> [snip]
> Linux only recognize the slice, but not what's inside it:
> spinymouse@q:~$ sudo fdisk -l

You might want to try a chainloader boot from grub.  The following is a
chainloader rule that I have used, as well as a normal loader boot.  I
use the loader boot, but I also tested the chainloader boot.  You will
need a ufs2_stage1_5 file in your grub directory for a loader boot, and
linux grub might not have it available.

title           FreeBSD, sda3 (oak) chainloader
root            (hd1,2)
chainloader     +1

title           FreeBSD, sda3 (oak) /boot/loader
root            (hd1,2,a)
kernel          /boot/loader

Carl Johnson            ca...@peak.org

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