On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Devin Teske <devin.te...@fisglobal.com>wrote:

> On Dec 19, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre wrote:
> > Good afternoon,
> >
> > One little question… I'm trying to have ready our new unattended FreeBSD
> installation system. Until now, I have been using Sysinstall scripting file
> but now with 9.1 out I think it's moment to start using BSDInstaller in the
> unattended installation process.
> Hold on a moment. You might want to wait until 9.2. (read more below)
> > I have seen the new installer, works basically like an script…. my real
> question is… before I did in install.cfg something like :
> >
> > ################################
> > disk=da0
> > partition=all
> > bootManager=standard
> > diskPartitionEditor
> >
> > ################################
> >
> > da0s1-1=ufs 3072000 /
> > da0s1-2=swap 8096000 none
> > da0s1-3=ufs 20485760 /var 1
> > da0s1-4=ufs 30720760 /usr 1
> > da0s1-5=ufs 0 /expert 1
> > diskLabelEditor
> >
> > ################################
> >
> > Now I assume there's no way of getting this same through any command
> like… 'bsdinstall partedit _______________________' am I wrong??.
> You're correct. In 9.0 and 9.1, it's just not feasible to man-handle the
> user interface (partedit) as one could sysinstall. (read below about 9.2)
> > So I assume all should be done by hand like this example of the Handbook
> :
> >
> > # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=1k count=1
> > # fdisk -BI da1 #Initialize your new disk
> > # bsdlabel -B -w da1s1 auto #Label it.
> > # bsdlabel -e da1s1 # Edit the bsdlabel just created and add any
> partitions.
> > # mkdir -p /1
> > # newfs /dev/da1s1e # Repeat this for every partition you created.
> > # mount /dev/da1s1e /1 # Mount the partition(s)
> > # vi /etc/fstab # Add the appropriate entry/entries to your /etc/fstab.
> >
> > In the auto script….
> >
> > am I wrong?.  If the answer is yes… could you point me to some
> documentation in order to be able to complete all this doc.
> The answer is (unfortunately) yes… that is until (hopefully) 9.2.
> It's an on-going significant amount of work to make add backward
> compatibility (so bsdinstall can load sysinstall "install.cfg" files). I'm
> not going to discuss the specifics here or yet, but I'm actively working on
> it.
> No docs on how to mangle the auto script to do what you want (that I know
> of).
> > Apart from all this… is Sysinstall going to be maintained in parallel?.
> >
> Sysinstall is dead. The bsdinstall you know can be considered the "first
> generation" and accordingly is a bit spartan. I'm working hard on the next
> generation. My plan is to have 10.0 with bsdinstall able to run sysinstall
> scripts (for backward compatibility; can't yet say what 9.x release will be
> MFC'd to, but that could be 9.2).
> I'm planning one helluva BSDCan-2013 presentation.
> --
> Devin
Interesting Devin. I have played around with bsdinstall script files and
partedit source files to certain extent. Was able to achieve a bit of
success. One of the major stumbling blocks for me still is including custom
scripts and packages. Just can't seem to understand where and how to place
them, so that it is available to auto script for further processing.

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