I'm working on an rc.d init script for a port, and I am clearly in need of a clue.

I have a daemon that requires that a FIFO exist before it will start. The FIFO is defined in the daemon's conf file. I could just point that out to the user using "warn", but I thought it would be nicer to simply take care of it programmatically.

So I created this:


     . ${pads_agent_conf}
     echo "Checking to see if ${PADS_FIFO} exists......"
     if [ ! -p ${PADS_FIFO} ]; then
           echo "${PADS_FIFO} did not exist.  Creating it now....."
           `/usr/bin/mkfifo ${PADS_FIFO}
           echo "${PADS_FIFO} already exists."

When I run the init script with rc_debug enabled, it calls the start_precmd, but absolutely nothing happens. I don't even get the echos.

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pads_agent onestart
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/pads_agent: DEBUG: checkyesno: pads_agent_enable is set to YES. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pads_agent: DEBUG: run_rc_command: start_precmd: pads_agent_ck4fifo()
Starting pads_agent.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/pads_agent: DEBUG: run_rc_command: doit: /usr/local/bin/sguil-sensor/pads_agent.tcl -D -c /usr/local/etc/sguil-sensor/pads_agent.conf [root@buttercup4 /usr/ports/security/sguil-sensor-update/sguil-sensor]# Error: Unable to read /var/data/nsm/sguil-sensor/buttercup4.utdallas.edu/pads.fifo

I even tried this but got the same result.

       warn "You must create PADS_FIFO before starting ${name}."
       warn "Set PADS_FIFO in the ${pads_agent_conf} file."

The warn messages aren't in the messages file either, which is expected behavior.

What the heck is going on here? Is something wrong with rc.subr on this host? Am I missing something?

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
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are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
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medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
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