On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 17:26:40 -0500, Robert Huff wrote:
>       Used csup (tag=.) to update the source tree as of midnight last night.

This seems to be discouraged today. Instead svn should be used.

>       5) On rebooting, the loader(??) claims to not be able to find a 
> bootable partition - i.e. I get a screen that ends in "mountpoint  > ".

Are you sure this isn't the "mountroot>" prompt? It indicates
that the / partition cannot be mounted to continue booting.
Maybe you can interrupt at the boot loader and examine the
mount source for /, or manually set it to be ada0p1?

> Providing the presumptive value by hand returns "error 19".

No root partition, probably. :-)

>       This is my first time installing to a GPT partitioned system, and I 
> have (obviously) failed to grok something.  I checked src/UPDATING and 
> found nothing which covered this.

That's why _I_ prefer old-fashioned MBR partitioning with
sysinstall which has never failed me. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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