El día Monday, January 28, 2013 a las 10:28:06PM -1000, parv escribió:

> in message <op.wrms0fqkqhadp0@freebsd>,
> wrote Ralf Mardorf thusly...
> >
> > Hi :)
> >
> > I hope it's ok, when I open a new thread for this issue.
> > First I need to know what files have a bad owner.
> >
> > I'm running
> > # freebsd-update IDS >> outfile_28Jan2013.ids
> > perhaps this will give some useful output, regarding to a wrong owner for
> > files from world.
> >
> > It's still running.
> >
> > I still have no idea how to check this for the files build from ports.
> If I understand your problem correctly, it is of incorrect owner &
> group. If so, are there any problems with just running "chown -R" on
> the parent directory (say /usr/local, where ports are installed by
> default)?

In general, I find all this thread (wrong file owner) a bit boring. This
is a mayor damage and can only be repaired by a new installation. A lot
of files and directories in the systems filesystem, in / /var /usr, have
dedicated owner to allow certain processes which does not run as 'root'
to do their correct work there, for exmample 'mail'; i.e. you can not
do just a complete "chown -R root .... " and expect that the system
still works;

the same is true for the ports below /usr/local; just run on a correct
system something like:

# find /usr/local -exec ls -ld {} \; | fgrep -v root

to get a list about what I am talking.


Sent from my FreeBSD netbook

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