On 2/10/2013 11:46 PM, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:
On 2/10/2013 4:02 PM, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:
On 2/10/2013 3:56 PM, Teske, Devin wrote:

Excellent! This is precisely what I was after when I wrote the vimage
package and its contents. I'm familiar with IMUNES and netgraph fits
the bill well (especially with "ngctl dot" being useful in providing
visual confirmation when you've achieved the desired network layout --
when "ngctl dot | dot -Tsvg -o netgraph.svg" starts to look like your
IMUNES graph, then you know you're making progress toward having the
right configuration).

You'll be soon hearing from me then!

Hi Devin,

A request. Could you create a pkgng package as well? 10 has
switched to pkgng...

I tried to test but... A kernel panic came my way.

Unfortunately something is broken these days with 10.0 and/or vimage
and/or netgraph... will keep you posted.


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