On 13-07-12 9:56 AM, Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> On 12/07/2013 16:32, Frank Leonhardt wrote:
>> I've tried using the actual jail name, and the hostname to be sure - nothing 
>> - and on
>> checking (jls -v) I'm somehow ending up with the Name being the same as the 
>> ID. I just
>> put this down to a quirk/bug (it's there in 8.2-9) but it sounds like it's 
>> not an issue
>> for anyone else. I'm defining them in rc.conf:
>>>>> jail_enable="yes"
>>>>> jail_list="one two three"
>>>>> jail_agnet_rootdir="/usr/jail/one"
>>>>> jail_agnet_hostname="one.mydomain.com"
>>>>> jail_agnet_ip=""
>>>>> jail_agnet_devfs_enable="yes"
>>>>> jail_agnet_devfs_ruleset="devfsrules_jail"
>>>> You've configured "one" and "two" and "three" in your jail_list, but quite 
>>>> oddly...
>>>> You have not defined "jail_one_*" or "jail_two_*" or "jail_three_*".
>>>> I'm extremely confused as to how your jail even started!
>>> Sorry - should have said I'd obfuscated the IP addresses and hostnames 
>>> (it's not
>>> really "one.mydomain.com" ;-) ) Unfortunately I forgot to obfuscate the 
>>> jail name as
>>> fully as I thought in the startup lines. It should have read 
>>> jail_one_rootdir &c.
>>> As I said, it's been working happily for years on lots of different 
>>> installations and
>>> they're all configured the same. The only weirdness is that the jail name 
>>> appears in
>>> the table as it's number.
>> A further clarification - I know using the jail utility defaults the jail 
>> name to that
>> of its ID if you don't specify one, and presume this is the mechanism 
>> messing it up
>> here. However as I've gone to the trouble of configuring them in rc.conf 
>> with names,
>> listing said names in jail_list and when commands like:
>> service jail start one
>> service jail stop one
>> work just fine, I don't see what I'm doing wrong! Incidentally, it doesn't 
>> matter if I
>> start them at boot time or start/stop later - the jail name always sets to 
>> the jail-iD,
>> and not the name specified. I suspect a bug in the rc.d script, but I can't 
>> be the
>> first person to notice, can I??? I'll take a look.
> Okay - answering my own question and solved... It's a bug (or is that a 
> feature?).
> In /etc/rc.d/jail line 647 it currently reads:
> eval ${_setfib} jail ${_flags} -i ${_rootdir} ${_hostname} \
> \"${_addrl}\" ${_exec_start} > ${_tmp_jail} 2>&1 \
> </dev/null
> And it should (IMHO) read:
> eval ${_setfib} jail ${_flags} -n ${_jail} -i ${_rootdir} ${_hostname} \
> \"${_addrl}\" ${_exec_start} > ${_tmp_jail} 2>&1 \
> </dev/null
> Once changed, everything works find and your jails are named as per the 
> rc.conf file
> definitions. Can anyone think of a reason for NOT fixing this?
> Regards, Frank.
I see where you are defining a hostname, but not a jail name. Jail name cannot 
contain the
"." character.

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