On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 17:34:19 -0700 (PDT)
bob philituoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i have used nothing but window OS's in my 16 year lifespan and am tired of it.
> right now i have a old sony vaio pcv-90 with win95 and a computer i built
> (1.8ghz P4 with windows xp pro soon to be dual booted with linux suse 8.1 pro)
> and wanted to find a version of unix i could try. i bought suse but am having
> alot of trouble installing it and have not been able to run it. one of my
> friends has freebsd 4.4 and says that he likes it more than anything else out
> there so he has gotten me interested in it now. What do you version do you
> recomend for me to get since i am a major noob and do you recomend any reading
> materials? I've been to http://store.yahoo.com/bsdmall/ and looked around, do
> you recomend them any? Any help will be very appreciated.
> Thank You

I would go with 4.8. If you are looking for a easy way to install it, it
installs easily over the net. You can also downlaod the ISO needed to install
it. I would suggest checking out http://www.freebsd.org/projects/newbies.html
and http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/index.html .
Those should provide a good place to begin.

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