i have used nothing but window OS's in my 16 year lifespan and am tired of it. right 
now i have a old sony vaio pcv-90 with win95 and a computer i built (1.8ghz P4 with 
windows xp pro soon to be dual booted with linux suse 8.1 pro) and wanted to find a 
version of unix i could try. i bought suse but am having alot of trouble installing it 
and have not been able to run it. one of my friends has freebsd 4.4 and says that he 
likes it more than anything else out there so he has gotten me interested in it now. 
What do you version do you recomend for me to get since i am a major noob and do you 
recomend any reading materials? I've been to http://store.yahoo.com/bsdmall/ and 
looked around, do you recomend them any?
Any help will be very appreciated.
Thank You

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