On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Kevin Berrien wrote:

> The real key is, getting BSD popular/requested enough that it's
> tested/supported officially by HP et. al!
> >>>That would be good to have a webpage with server configurations that run
> >>>under FreeBSD. Don't you think so?
> >>>
> >>>


Well, I was at Linuxtag in Germany the last few days, and also spoke to
HP and Seagate Staff.

HP :well, only sales guys there told me, as I asked for further info on
RAID management tools that are currently developed for Linux, that
perhaps the Linux driver guy has some more information whom to contact
with HP...

Seagate: The channel sales guy told some interesting stories about how
you have to deal  with the distributor to get your drives sold, and how
development and testing works. He liked the idea to give some decent
harddrives away to developers for testing for standard compiance etc,
because he said, that this is way cheaper than some advertisements, but
Seagate USA has the thumb on it, and testing is only done officially
with some choosen labs etc. And as long as the people wearing big ties
don't think different, it won't change...

The other point: I think its well worth the idea, that we simply extend
the hardware notes page on the installation infos page with a list of
known working systems from certain vendors.

Vendor and type, Single/Dual CPU   FreeBSD Version
short Hardware list, notes

Compaq DL360, 1CPU, FreeBSD 4.7R
933MHz, first Generation (white box), Intel 82559NIC (dual), SmartRAID
SCSI Adapter (dev/ida)

Compaq DL360 G2, 1CPU, FreeBSD 4.7R
1,4GHz PIII, grey box, Broadcom NIC (bge), SmartRAID (dev/ciss)

there shall be only systems from vendors that build systems like above,
with defined hardware.
(Yes I know, that Compaq especially on cheaper systems put anything in,
what could be obtained for cheap price...)


Olaf Hoyer        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fuerchterliche Erlebniss geben zu raten,
ob der, welcher sie erlebt, nicht etwas Fuerchterliches ist.
(Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Boese)

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