> Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
Thanks for your response, Lowell, as always.
John DeStefano writes:
>> Due to ISP restrictions, I must change the default port on which
>> runs in order to enable ftp access to and from my machine.
> That would violate the FTP spec, and isn't supported (IIRC) by the
> standard FreeBSD ftpd.
Obviously, I'm not looking to 'violate' any specs, or to have any RFCs
changed in order to accomodate my personal server.  I'm just looking
a viable solution to a problem that I'm sure others have come across.
>> I had to do the same for my httpd server, but that information was a
>> bit more accessible.
>> Reading material has been sparse, but I've read that adding a port
>> number/range to the ftpd entry /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf
>> do the trick.
>> Is this an acceptible way of going about changing the ftp ports?
> It won't work.
Why not?  If you were to specify a new port number both in 'services'
and 'inetd.conf', and the proper firewall holes were punched, why would

it fail?
>> If this box is sitting behind a hardware firewall (Linksys router),
>> range would you recommend I open in the firewall for a maximum of 5
>> ftp users? Same question for security on the FBSD box itself?
> This is going to be a royal pain anyway. The FTP protocol is tricky
> to get through firewalls, and *very* tricky to get through NAT.
> If you can use, e.g., scp(1) to move your files around, you'll be in
> much better shape -- FTP passes cleartext passwords. However, if
> you're really stuck on FTP (and I am not encouraging you to violate
> your contract with your ISP, but just giving the advice for
> informational purposes), there are other FTP daemons that can change
> the base ports. You'll need to punch holes for the data ports,
Strangely enough, it sounds like moving away from the stock ftpd,
and using a 3PP daemon to configure the new ports, is the way to go.
Any suggestions on ports and methods?

>> Quick sidebar: DNS is setting my domainname to my ISP's domain,
>> not my local domain, which is causing some problems. "man
>> domainname" tells me " The super-user can set the domain name by
>> supplying an argument", which I assume means "domainname
>> ". But this setting does not stick on reboot. Is there an
>> easy fix?
> According to the FreeBSD Handbook, the FreeBSD FAQ, and the
> manual, setting "hostname" in /etc/rc.conf is what you're looking
The handbook merely specifies to use the format:
in rc.conf; it doesn't say what to do when the system automatically
changes the hostname on you on boot/reboot, presumably due to DHCP
communications.  I could be mistaken, but I don't see this topic in the
FAQ (which currently covers up to 4.X) at all.  'man' says:
"If dhclient(8) is used to set the hostname via DHCP, this variable
should be set to an empty string."  However, I believe that's what's
happening now and may be the reason why 'hostname' is getting reset
incorrectly; see below:
# cat /etc/rc.conf |grep hostname
My manual entry has been commented out, and new entries made.  How
one keep this from getting changed automatically?

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