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# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-09-03 10:46:03 -0500:
> > Yesterday someone put me in charge of a server (it seems that is a
> > Firewall) with FreeBSD 4.2-Release version, the first thing I have
> > told to do is to change de IP address and the defaultrouter, so I
> > edited the next files:
> > 
> > /etc/hosts
> > /etc/rc.conf
> > 
> > And I rebooted the server so that the changes take effect. The first
> > thing I did was to check if the changes were made, with the
> > "ipconfig -a" command, and yes, the changes were made.  I only
> > changed the IP address of one of the two interfaces (xI1). I don't
> > know why but I keep receiving the next errors:
> > 
> > egw ipmon[55]:17:30:47.435327 xI1 @0:16 b ---> PR icmp len 
> > 20 21504 icmp 8/0 OUT
> > egw ipmon[55]:17:30:47.435327 xI1 @0:16 b --->,53 PR udp 
> > len 20 21504 icmp 8/0 OUT

    because there's IPFilter running on the box, and the rules weren't
    updated to match the new IP. the ruleset should be located in /etc/ipf.rules.
    edit the file, and replace all occurences of the old IP address.
    then restart ipf:

    # ipf -Fa -FS -f /etc/ipf.rules

> > Where egw is the hostname
> > is the IP address of the interface xI1
> > is the defaultrouter
> > is the IP address of the interface xl0

> > egw /kernel:arp: is on xI1 but got reply from <ethernet address of 
> > interface xI0> on xI0

    looks like you have assigned the addres to the wrong interface?

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