On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 07:09 PM, Matthew Luckie wrote:
I've written an OpenSSL plugin for gaim that allows gaim to use the OpenSSL libraries that come installed with FreeBSD. Gaim is a GPL application, OpenSSL is BSD licensed, and apparently there are license issues to deal with as a result.


The first part of that reference starts with "On many systems including the major Linux and BSD distributions, yes (the GPL does not place restrictions on using libraries that are part of the normal operating system distribution)."

...and that would apply here, since FreeBSD supports OpenSSL as part of the normal OS distribution.

They've said that unless the gaim project sanctions the use of OpenSSL with their code, that I should not release the code. Apparently that would require contacting all of the prior developers to get their permission.

Who is "they"?

Anyway, if there was a meaningful license conflict between Gaim and OpenSSL, the GPL (section 7) would forbid you from redistributing your modified version of Gaim+OpenSSL, but it would not forbid you from redistributing your patches by themselves.

The upshot is that while the end-user using those patches might be subject to patent infringement issues due to OpenSSL including RC5, IDEA, or other such algorithms which are patented in some parts of the world-- and thus would not be able to redistribute the result of applying your patches for the same reasons mentioned above-- they would be able to personally _use_ the result without violating the GPL.

IANAL, TINLA. Does this help...? :-)


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