On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 05:52:57 +0100, in local.freebsd.questions you

>It's really pretty easy.  I beat my head on the wall about a year ago,
>so I
>don't recall where all the docs are, but this is what my configs look
> set timeout 0
> set dial
> set login
> set ifaddr {IP address of internal interface} {IP address range
>xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx}
> set server /var/run/pptp_ppp_%d "" 0700
> enable mschapv2 mppe          # <--- these two lines enable encryption
> set mppe * *                        #<---

OK thanks I'll try this one. I did eventually find an example which I
used and it did work but there were some errors logged. The
config I used included:

>enable mppe * stateful

in the ppp.conf file, but that generated the following in ppp.log

>Oct 20 12:52:38 field ppp[53548]: Command: loop: enable mppe * stateful
>Oct 20 12:52:38 field ppp[53548]: Warning: enable *: Invalid command
>Oct 20 12:52:38 field ppp[53548]: Warning: enable *: Failed 1
>Oct 20 12:52:38 field ppp[53548]: Warning: enable stateful: Invalid command
>Oct 20 12:52:38 field ppp[53548]: Warning: enable stateful: Failed 1

The connection did appear to be encrypted though, at least the XP
client said it was.

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