On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 03:53, Andrew Kozak wrote:
> From: Andrew Kozak
> Date: Monday, 20 October 2003 05:42:11 PM
> To: FreeBSD Questions
> Subject: GTK
> Hi Everyone
> Hope someone can help me here, I've kinda stuffed up big time. Whilst trying
> to install etherape, I received a message that my gtk was too old, and that
> I should uninstall it and install the new one. Which I did. Immediately
> afterwards, I found that quite a few programs rely on this older version of
> gtk I have lost all web browsers other than knoqueror (missing dillo, what a
> nice efficient fast little browser that is). I am using FreeBSD 4.9RC on a
> Pentium 2 with 128Mb of RAM. I have downloaded the gtk version that used to
> run the broken programs (version 1.2.0) and tried to ./configure, which goes
> ahead, but complains about glib not being there, so I downloaded that, still
> complains that glib is not there. I did download version 1.2.0 and did the
> /configure but no good, still complains that this file is missing. 

>From your description, this machine sounds like its had some of its
parts (software parts, that is) upgraded over a period of time and now
you're running into problems with version compatibility. We call this
"dependency hell", though the phrase is usually used in a slightly
different context. I'm afraid I don't have any advice specific to your
problem, but I can give some general advice starting with: Consider
saving all of your important data (to include networking configuration,
custom scripts, and X configuration) and start from scratch with a new
install of 4.9RC.

> The error
> I get if I try and run one of the broken programs is /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so
> 1: Shared Object "libintl.so.4" not found If I do a locate libintl.so.4, the
> machine tells me that is is located in libexec, right where it should be,
> however, when I log into that directory and look, It's not there - and I
> have been logging in as root to make sure that I get all privileges and can
> see hidden files.

The 'locate' utility uses a database, located in
/var/db/locate.database, to keep track of things. Theoretically, this
database is supposed to be updated weekly via a cron job, which can
result in a confusing scenario for those not familiar with how locate
works. If you do any work to the filesystem (installing a program,
deleting some files, etc) then the locate database will be out of date
until the the next time the cron job is run. This is the problem that
you're describing. Do an 'ls -l' on the database file and look at the
timestamp--that will tell you the exact time that the database was last
synched with the system.

I personally lothe the locate system because it's most useless when it's
most needed. I tinker on my system a lot, and if I've just installed
something and run into library dependency issues, I usually want to know
where my libraries are *now*, not last Saturday at 4:15AM. For this
reason, I usually disable the weekly database sync (to save wear and
tear on my disks) and resort to 'which', 'whereis', and 'find'. See the
manpages for each.


> Please don't bother if you are a 'boffin' who likes big words such as just
> hiblib the hoobiwhastis with alt 67 and configure the path to match the
> environment via port 28774. Don't get me wrong, I'm not unappreciative, but
> it goes over my head, and is a waste of time for all of us. I do not
> understand code or programming, I am just a workstation operator who is
> trying to learn this flexible powerful system. I hope to be able to discuss
> and understand terminology associated with code and programming when I get
> my head around the basics and have an  opportunity to learn more. I am a
> newbie and need laymen terms to understand.

I'm sure you're not unappreciative, but bear in mind that FreeBSD is a
complex, technical system and that technical language is usually
required to communicate any meaningful solution or idea. There might be
a few on this list who enjoy trying to flex their alleged superiority
over newbies by using throwing in advanced words and highly technical
concepts, but most of us are just here volunteering our valuable time to
help. Understanding, however, can never simply be given. That's a
journey that you have to take up yourself. If you're having trouble with
the technical jargon, you should strive to learn it by reading as many
docs and manpages as you can, especially since you indicate that your
intention is to learn. I can sympathize with your situation, though,
because I'm not much of a programmer either. This is a significant
disadvantage when it comes to learning FreeBSD as its surrounding
culture is deeply intertwined with programming and development, even
compared to other Unix clones and derivatives. But with persistance and
a LOT of reading, FreeBSD is far from impossible to learn.

Charles Ulrich

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