On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 09:54:47 +1000 "Andrew Kozak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> probably wrote:

> Hi All
> Thank You very much to C Ulrich and Sergey 'DoubleF' Zaharchenko for your
[name corrected]
> help with my GTK problem. Unfortunately I think that  C Ulrich is right in
> that I will have to install again from scratch. Unfortunately reinstalling

At least you are wiser now... 

> GTK, gettext etc. has not helped. Ohh well, practice make perfect, and
> Sergey, you have started something now, what on earth does 'In the words of
> M. Bulghakov, "Annushka uzhe razlila maslo..."' mean ? Thank you both so much
[quotation corrected]

It's a quotation from "Master and Margharet". It means (not literally,
but here) that the thing that sentenced you was already done and there's
little you can do about it (I guess the rest about it is OT, so you
should read the book to find out more:).

You might not have to reinstall FreeBSD from scratch, you could just try
wiping out /usr/local, /usr/X11R6, /var/db/pkg and starting all over
again (but that's rather close to reinstalling).

If you will want to recollect what ports you have (so that, when
reinstalling, you don't miss anything), something like 

$ ls /var/db/pkg>~/portsList

will help (surely before you delete /var/db/pkg).

> for using terms I can understand, and although it seems I cannot repair the
> problem, I have learnt a valuable lesson, and picked up a couple of tips
> along the way :) I definitely do intend to read a great deal more about
> FreeBSD, I just have trouble finding time (work 60+ hours a week, new Dad
> etc.) so I guess I will just take a little longer than some :) But I'll get
> there !!
> Thanks Again
> Andrew Kozak

You think Oedipus had a problem -- Adam was Eve's mother.

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  • GTK Andrew Kozak

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