On Thursday 15 January 2004 21:35, Adam Olsen wrote:
> Daniela,
> When I press ctrl+alt+F1, I am on the virtual console, but I cannot see
> it because I'm getting the mode out of range error.  X does not
> terminate - and if I press ctrl+alt+F9, I can get back to X just fine -
> no more out of range error on the monitor.
> I can be on the virtual console until I startx, and which point if I
> switch back to a virtual console or exit X I get the mode out of range
> error.
> So basically, after I startx, something happens to the virtual console
> that makes it so that if I go back to it I get the mode out of range error.

OK, do the following: use the command "startx >& somefile" and send me the 
file it produces. This will hopefully tell us what the problem is.

> Thanks,
> Adam Olsen
> Daniela wrote:
> > On Thursday 15 January 2004 20:00, Adam Olsen wrote:
> >>Daniela,
> >>
> >>Ok - Everything works perfectly in X.  When I switch to the VT, I get a
> >>mode out of range error.  I can switch back to X just fine.  Just the VT
> >>has this problem.
> >
> > OK, when you press, say, ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to the VT, are you still
> > in X or at the console? Is the error message at the console or on the VT
> > from where you entered startx? Does X terminate?
> >
> >>I never get the wavy text while in X.  If by chance I am able to switch
> >>to the VT for some reason without getting the mode out of range error,
> >>all the text is waving around.  This has not happened in FreeBSD 5.2,
> >>but I did see it a few times in 4.8 (I don't know if I'll be able to
> >>reproduce it).
> >
> > If you switch back to X when you get the wavy text, is everything OK
> > there? Can you start X from inside a debugger? What do you have in your
> > XF86Config?
> >
> > I'll go to sleep now, good night.
> >
> >>Thanks,
> >>
> >>Adam Olsen
> >>
> >>Daniela wrote:
> >>>On Thursday 15 January 2004 19:29, Adam Olsen wrote:
> >>>>Daniela,
> >>>>
> >>>>I see it when I switch to a virtual console only.  When I switch back
> >>>> to X, I'm ok again.  Also, if I exit X, I get it the error, but I can
> >>>> blindly startx again.
> >>>
> >>>I don't quite understand what you mean. I thought you can't switch back
> >>>to VT?
> >>>
> >>>>At one point in FreeBSD 4.8 I could switch to the virtual console, but
> >>>>everything was wavy - text was moving around (it was really weird).
> >>>
> >>>Could you describe this a bit more? I'm often seeing text moving around,
> >>>and weird colorful stripes on the screen when I switch to X. Viewing a
> >>>specific page in Mozilla triggers this. Unfortunately, I can't just open
> >>>the debugger and see what's going on at this time, because I can hardly
> >>>see anything on the screen.
> >>>When you're able to reproduce it, then have a look at the on-screen menu
> >>>of your monitor and check the frequencies, they're probably way too
> >>> high.
> >>>
> >>>>Thanks,
> >>>>
> >>>>Adam Olsen
> >>>>
> >>>>Daniela wrote:
> >>>>>On Thursday 15 January 2004 17:06, Adam Olsen wrote:
> >>>>>>Hello,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>I'm using FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE and have installed the latest nvidia
> >>>>>>drivers available.  Everything works ok _except_ once I load X I
> >>>>>> cannot switch back to the virtual console.  I get a "mode out of
> >>>>>> range" error. I had this problem with FreeBSD 4.8 as well.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>This isn't necessarily nvidia-specific, I have this too with ATI.
> >>>>>Where and when exactly do you see the "mode out of range" error?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>My best guess would be that this is an XFree86 bug.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Daniela

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