On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Bubble Gum wrote:

> I just want to ask (i'm sorry if it's a silly
> question),why freebsd logo use "devil" character?
It's the first time I answer this question - so please may
everybody correct me, if I got something wrong.

1) It isn't a devil but a small daemon, which refers to programs
called daemons, which run invisibly in the background of your
system and wait for a call by some kind of input. You can make
them visible by typing the magic
# ps -aux
if you want to catch one, you do
# ps -aux | grep moused
if you want to kill him you type
# kill number_in_the_second_column
and your mouse will be dead.

2) The little red daemon's name is beastie, which is a
quasihomophone to BSD .

3) On http://www.freebsdmall.com you can buy Tee-shirts, buttons,
baseball caps, etc. with daemon motives.

Hope that helps,


        |    Peter Ulrich Kruppa    |
        |         Wuppertal         |
        |          Germany          |
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