> I just want to ask (i'm sorry if it's a silly
> question),why freebsd logo use "devil" character?

There are several web pages that explain this quite well.
Start with the FreeBSD.org page and look at its links and
then do some searching - on the FreeBSD site and on Google.
Try looking for Beastie.

Anyway, it is a daemon and is defined as a little creature (a process
in this case) that hangs around out of site and does little errands
for you.   Some of those errands are responding to things coming
in from the net, listening to your keyboard and mouse, putting
messages in log files, keeping track of the clock and running things
that need to be run at special times, etc.

It is a bit like Terminate-and-Stay-Resident programs (TSRs) in
the Microsloth world.   

Why someone made a logo with a red suit and a trident fork - well
some say the fork is for the system of forking processes in UNIX
but I suspect it was at least in part a little impish fun.  Not
everything has to have a deadly dull logical reason.


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