On Saturday 31 January 2004 12:24 am, slave-mike wrote:
> Jeff Elkins wrote:
> >No responses on this yet, but I can hope :)
> >
> >Another issue:  After changing the permissions on the /dev/pass* devices,
> >following a reboot, they all reverted, rendering k3b useless.
> >
> >I'd appreciate some help...
> >
> >====
> >
> >I've enabled the ATAPI/CAM driver in my kernel under freebsd 5.2 - this
> > has given me two devices: /dev/cd0 and /dev/cd1. Thus far, I'm able to
> > burn CDs/DVDs but I am having trouble mounting them (as root).
> >
> >If I issue the command: mount /cdrom or mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /cdrom I
> > get the message:  cd9660: /dev/cd0: Device not configured
> >
> >However, if I comment out the /dev/cd devices in fstab and enable the acd
> >devices:
> >
> >/dev/acd0               /cdrom cd9660   ro,noauto       0       0
> >/dev/acd1               /cdrom1 cd9660 ro,noauto        0       0
> >#/dev/cd0               /cdrom cd9660   ro,noauto       0       0
> >#/dev/cd1               /cdrom1 cd9660 ro,noauto        0       0
> >
> >I'm able to mount w/o problems.
> >
> >Do I have something misconfigured?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Jeff Elkins
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
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> look in /etc/devfs.confcd9660: /dev/cd0: Device not configured
> try adding something like: ...
> # Commonly used by many ports
> perm    acd0    0660
> link    acd0    cdrom
> link    acd0    rcdrom
> link    acd0    racd0
> perm    acd1    0660
> link    acd1    dvd
> link    acd1    rdvd
> perm    ast0    0660
> link    ast0    sa0
> perm    nast0   0660
> link    nast0   nsa0
> perm    pass0   0660
> perm    pass1   0660
> perm    pass2   0660
> perm    pass3   0660
> perm    scanner0        0660
> perm    ugen0   0660
> perm    ugen0.0 0660
> perm    ugen0.1 0660
> perm    ugen0.2 0660
> perm    ugen0.3 0660
> # Allow a user in the wheel group to query the smb0 device
> perm    smb0    0660
> # Allow members of group operator to cat things to the speaker
> own     speaker root:operator
> perm    speaker 0660


That succeeded in freezing the permissions from boot to boot, but I still get 
the error "cd9660: /dev/cd0: Device not configured" when I try to mount a cd 
via the passthrough device: mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /cdrom

I _can_ mount cds using the /dev/acd* devices, while using the /dev/cd* 
devices for writing.  Is this the way atapi cdrws are supposed to work under 


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