** Sometime around 03:51 +0000 02/09/2004, Jez Hancock said:
On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 10:35:59PM -0500, Vince Sabio wrote:
 I have a relatively new installation of FreeBSD v5.1, and the machine
 has just been staged at my co-lo site. So far, everything works well,
 except for a minor vi problem: I cannot navigate using the arrow
 keys. I can navigate using control keys, but not via the arrow keys.

 I'm now accessing the server over ssh via a terminal window on a Mac
 laptop running OS X (a new & distant relative of FreeBSD, FWIW). I
 access lots of machines this way, including a Solaris machine, a
 couple of Linux boxen, and at least one other FreeBSD machine (not
 mine), and I don't have this problem on any of them. I assume it's a
 termcap problem, but I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?

Have you tried setting the TERM env variable to 'xterm' or 'xterm-color' in your .cshrc file (or the rc file for the shell you use)?

That did it -- thanks! (TERM=xterm-color; export TERM) in ~/.profile. --

Vince Sabio                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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