On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 04:44:25AM -0500, matthew wrote:

> > I recommend bogofilter for per-user filtering.  Spamassassin is
> > also highly recommended for site use.  I tend to dislike DNS-based
> > filtering because it has a high rate of false positives, and it
> > causes your users to lose legitimate mail if it's rejected at the
> > mail server.
> As far as I understand it, one does "not lose email" using dns-based
> blacklists.

Sure you can.  If Alice wants to legitimately contact Bob from a
blacklisted IP (whether the blacklisting is actually Alice's fault, or
she's just fallen under an excessively large blanket), and Bob is
running DNS-based filtering, Bob's MTA blocks Alice based on her IP.
Bob loses legitimate mail.  Admittedly you provided a counterexample,
but it is not always so easy.


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