I'n updating a bunch of older (around 4.2) machines. On ne of them I seem
to have managed to toatly muck up the ports dayabases :0(

I'm getting things like this when I run portupgrade:

!  (pgaccess-0.98.6)    (missing origin)
!  (acroread-3.02)      (missing origin)
!  (netscape-wrapper-2000.07.07)        (missing origin)

I think the best plan is to completly rebuild from scratch the databases
that contain available ports, and the ports that are installed on this
machine. I've tried various combinations of pkgdb -F and pkgd -Uu. to no

Can I just remove all of these databases, and rebuiold them from scratch?
If so, how do I acomplish this?

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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