On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 05:09:06AM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 07:18:45AM -0500, stan wrote:
> > > > > > I'm getting things like this when I run portupgrade:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > !  (pgaccess-0.98.6)    (missing origin)
> > > > > > !  (acroread-3.02)      (missing origin)
> > > > > > !  (netscape-wrapper-2000.07.07)        (missing origin)
> > Well I spent about 3 hours yesterday afternoon filling in package names to pkgdb 
> > -F's prompts,
> > and I still can't get portupfrade to work :-)
> OK, that's a different problem than you told us about above.
> Please be more specific: in what way does portupgrade not work for
> you?  Include sample output showing the problem(s).

OK, look at this session:

Script started on Fri Mar  5 13:15:11 2004
You have mail.
wateral# runsocks portupgrade -arR -l /home/stan/report
cd: can't cd to /usr/ports/X11/XFree86-4
make: don't know how to make all-depends-list. Stop

wateral# ^Dexit

Script done on Fri Mar  5 13:34:03 2004

As you can see, it just hangs there. That's 19 minutes with just the first
error, which is caused by a typo in my setting up things by hand (should be
x11, not X11). pkgd is not allowing me to fix that either.

Any sugestiosn?

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neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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