
        Before I launch into my new DNS server, I thought I'd try
        Gnome and KDE.  I still do most things in terminals, by
        CLI rather than GUI.  Here I use ctwm and have my workspaces
        configured with many xterms/workspace.  I've hand-coded at
        least three different sized xterms.  Is there a way of having
        various sized terms in Gnome andor KDE?

        Another issue is that somehow I lost libintl.so.5.  What
        builds this library?  I borrowed it from another server;
        it was in one of the compat libs, IIRC. 

        The CD's I installed 5.2 from have KDE-3.1.4; for some reason
        the latest rev of KDE refuses to upgrade.  I was using
        portupgrade, remotely.  Any idea why 3.2.0 won't install?

        thanks much,


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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