Before I launch into my new DNS server, I thought I'd try
      Gnome and KDE.  I still do most things in terminals, by
      CLI rather than GUI.  Here I use ctwm and have my workspaces
      configured with many xterms/workspace.  I've hand-coded at
      least three different sized xterms.  Is there a way of having
      various sized terms in Gnome andor KDE?

Well, I suppose the simplest way would be to continue using the same hand-coded xterm configurations that you are using now. If you want to use konsole or gnome-terminal, those can certainly be resized. I think they understand the same flags xterm uses.

KDE will also remember the layout of your setup so that you do
not need to rearrange things the next time you log in. (gnome
may do that too... I am not familiar with it)

      Another issue is that somehow I lost  What
      builds this library?  I borrowed it from another server;
      it was in one of the compat libs, IIRC.


I found it like this ...

cd /var/db/pkg
grep -r libintl *

although there may be better ways to do that :o)

      The CD's I installed 5.2 from have KDE-3.1.4; for some reason
      the latest rev of KDE refuses to upgrade.  I was using
      portupgrade, remotely.  Any idea why 3.2.0 won't install?

What was your process? Did you read this ... ?

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